After viewing the rough cut of our video there are many changes that need to be made, the most obvious being the fixing of the many blank spaces within the video which we intend to film with footage that has not yet been captured and properly edited.
However there are also other elements of our video which had gone unnoticed previously which must also be altered. An example of this is that colour correction must be added in various places such as band shots so that Reception Theory can be properly conveyed to the audience that this conforms to the codes and conventions of the indie genre.
Also some shots that we have placed in our video will also be removed such as the shot of the main character holding a microphone which then transitions to him drinking alcohol, this will be removed because we felt this shot was incongruent and it did not convey the correct emotions to the audience.
Also the use of effects must become more apparent within our video so that Narrative Theory can be properly conveyed, an example of this is that colour correction and also the use of a transition must be added in the scene of charlie falling back and landing in his bed. The colour of this shot is wrong as to be more affective and make the narrative clearer as the colour of this shot will be similar to the rest of the video, and also the transition will help move the narrative along.
There are many changes and additions that must be made to this rough cut, however this rough cut has allowed us to form a template, and now we are able to understand the basic outline of our music video and where certain shots will go. Also this rough cut has allowed us to obtain feedback on what should be incorporated into the video such as the use of more effects and colour correction. And also what should not be added to our video, an example of this would be 'flash back shots' of Charlie and Katherine, however from the feedback we received it was decided that a certain amount of ambiguity should be left in our video so that individual audience members could interpret the video in their own way.
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