Saturday, 7 January 2012

Final Song Choice/ Research

Here is the final song choice, some of the codes and conventions of Muse will be integrated into the music video my group is producing. This is also research as the codes and conventions Muse incorporate into their videos can be identified in this video and other Muse videos. This allows Genre Theory to be properly incorporated into our music video and ancillary products as we are able to identify the specific codes and conventions of Muse and the products.

It is also important to note that the original version of 'Feelin' Good' was performed by Cy Grant for the musical 'The Roar of the Greasepaint - The smell of the Crowd' this is important as the original version of the song was not suitable for any of the concepts of our music video as it has been sung in a completely different way. Upon further research I discovered other artists such Michael BublĂ© and Nina Simone had also sang renditions of this song but it was decided that the version that allowed us to convey different emotions through the way it was sung was the version by Muse as the way they have sang it illustrates a range of different emotions. To illustrate the difference in emotion between the two renditions I have posted the Muse rendition, and also the original version showing how different the two versions are and why the Muse version was the better choice in terms of the music video we wanted to capture. 

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